On Monday Feb 15 I will be running YWJ’s first online retreat day.
A time of silence to confront the storms in your life
A time of solitude to share with myself and other CYWrs
A time of simplicity to examine the complexity of your living and working and your believing
In short it is a set-apart time for you to honestly meet God and for God to meet you.
The plan is to do the retreat in your own place, based on material I will send to you beforehand. Some sessions will be shared, others will an opportunity for you to be in solitude outside or in the comfort of your own home.
The day will cost £10 and for more details or to book up please message me on FB or email me at info@youthworkjourneys.com
I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
10.30 Zooming In Together
10.45 Welcome and Prayers
11.00 Silence and Resting
11.15 Sharing (this is optional and sharing nothing is entirely fine)
Is there anything that might it be helpful for us to know about you as we share in this day together?
What are you bringing to today? This might be a question, a concern, tiredness, joy or guilt.
11.30 Silence and Walking
12:30 Lunch (bring your own!)
1:00 Silence and Scripture.
2:00 Tea Break
2:15 Staying and sharing ...or silence, you choose
3:00 Clashes and Connections.
How your experience of Christian youth work relates to your own life and faith
Staying and sharing or exploring in silence and solitude
3:30 Preparing to return; what will you take back? What will you leave?
4:00 Prayers, blessing and sending