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If you want to change a young person’s life, change a youth worker’s life. Youth Work Journeys will do this by improving your basic attitudes, skills and knowledge of Christian youth-work and youth ministry and apply them to your youth-work practice.

These building blocks will help sustain a life-long career in Christian youth-work and youth ministry. The programme is planned with you as a worker, church or organisation, shaped around your values and what you need to achieve your goals.

The training uses discussions, practice-based examples, reading, youtube clips, group-work and online teaching. Delivery is flexible and could be held daily, weekly or monthly, using online and face to face methods (coronavirus limitations will be fully respected!). Courses can last from one month to years, as your journey with Youth Work Journeys grows.


Includes becoming more like Jesus, growing your relationship with God, compassion and service through spiritual formation and spiritual disciplines, based on the Bible and personal experience.


includes how to work with young people, developing volunteers, designing and leading programmes for clubs, camps or services, communication, dealing with crises and challenging behaviours, planning, reviewing and self-care.


includes youth work models, resources, introduction to the Bible, nature of God, Church structures  and processes, community agencies, Christian faith development, legislation, volunteer development, Safeguarding and leadership.


Towards the end of every year with Youth Work Journeys we will have a retreat to integrate growth in your spiritual life with your improving skills and practice in Christian youth work. This will be shared with other participants and be a time where God will bless our prayers, discussions, silences and sharing.


Youth Work Journeys will supply resource material based on your training needs.

Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland
Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland

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Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland
Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland

Find out more about Youth Work Journeys



Sustaining A Life-Long Career In Christian Youth-Work

Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland
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2020 - 2021 Rates  

A tailor-made programme to equip, inform and inspire volunteers and youth workers developing their youth work journey.

Packages are costed at an hourly rate, with packages constructed to last from a month to a year.  Costs will be discussed with Paul as you design your training package.

First consultation free.

Any travel expenses are covered by the church / agency or worker.

Youth Work Training & Mentoring Programme Scotland

I spent 3 years doing Youth Work training under Pauls leadership while both on a gap year and at Bible College. Those formative years were a massive foundation for a now 10+ year career in youth ministry and I am very thankful for all the training and wisdom imparted by Paul.


Let's Get Started

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